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Coverage Heatmap

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The coverage heatmap is a potent tool for visualizing the density or intensity of data points across the surface of the proxy mesh. It shows the areas on the object’s surface which will be captured by the current set of instantiated positions and uses a color coding gradient to show the overlap.

This feature is included as part of the license agreement for Arago Control. If you wish to acquire a license contact Rigsters ApS at [email protected]

Depth of Field

Camera depth of field (DOF) refers to the range of distance within a photo that appears acceptably sharp and in focus. It is an essential concept not just in photography but also when reconstructing a 3D model with photogrammetry. It refers to how much of the scene is clear versus blurred. A good set of images should include as many clear shots of the object as possible. Arago Control helps create these images by calculating the DOF and generating the coverage heatmap for visualisation purposes.

Clicking on any position looking at the proxy mesh enables the direct ray and the DOF frustrum as in the image below.

depth of field 2 

The DOF frustum is determined using the camera settings Focal length, Aperture, Sensor Width, and Sensor Height. It is essential that these properties are set correctly in the primary camera settings in the Camera Tethering Support panel.


The heatmap is build based on the overlap of all incident DOF frustrums of the images from each position instantiated and color codes the model from red to green to cyan based on how many overlapping images there are. Red means one image, green means at least 5 images while any gradient of cyan, stronger or weaker means more than 5 by a few or by many.

heatmap 2  

You can visualise the heatmap for only a selected group of positions. You can click on one loop, a single position or area select and the heatmap will be displayed only for your current selection. You can select individual points also by holding Shift key and clicking on either to form a group selection. You can remove from your selection by holding Ctrl key and clicking on selected positions.

 group heatmap 2 

If the number of positions is sufficient, the heatmap will reflect this by coloring the proxy mesh green (or cyan). Zones colored in white indicate that there are no positions targeting that area. Any non-green surface indicates that the maximum criteria have not yet been met and additional positions are required or that part of the surface is uncoverable due to physical constraints.


insuficient positions  

To add more positions in scene either change the settings in the Automatic Positions Generator and regenerate a new set of positions or instantiate more Loops and position them towards the non-green areas.

Computing the heatmap is a CPU-intensive operation. We are aware processing spikes can occur when working with large meshes. The speed of the algorithm is liniearly slowed by the sheer count of mesh vertices in the scene. If you are working with imported models, we strongly advise to decimate them beforehand. 

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